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Self-Monitoring Reporting Portal
For Industries

Knowing which IUs have sent in data on time and whether or not the reports are complete is a challenge for today’s under-staffed pretreatment programs. Typing sample results into a database is inefficient and costing the program money. Agencies are not the only ones effected by this, but the regulated industries often struggle with similar compliance issues.

How does it work?

  1. The Industry logs into LinkoExchange to enter the SMR and view information about reporting requirements. LinkoExchange performs compliance calculations, instantly notifying industry of any permit limit violations.
  2. LinkoExchange generates a score card which highlights what elements are missing from reporting package ensuring the package is complete and accurate.
  3. The industry generates their SMR package for the authority. The SMR package includes a cover letter, lab reports, certification statement, etc.
  4. The Industry submits the SMR electronically. LinkoExchange keeps a Copy of Record (COR) as per EPA Requirements.
  5. If the IPP is not yet CROMERR approved, the IU must also print and sign a paper copy and submit it to the authority.
  6. An email is automatically sent to the industry with a submission confirmation receipt.
  7. The Authority receives an automated email notifying them that the SMR package has been submitted.
  8. The Authority logs into LinkoExchange to review the SMR results and then syncs the data to their LinkoCTS software. The system will automatically issue email alerts to the authority if IU results are over their permit limit.
  9. Communication Portal centralizes all communication between the Authority and the Industries. For instance, NOVs can be sent and responses received through Linko Exchange.

Do I need CROMERR Certification?

CROMERR approval is not a requirement to use LinkoExchange. If you do not have CROMERR certification, industries can use LinkoExchange to store their sample results, making use of the score card to ensure complete and accurate SMRs results. The data will still be transfered electronically to the authority but the industry will have to send a signed copy of the paperwork, printed from LinkoExchange.

Linko has helped other programs obtain CROMERR certification. Please contact us to learn how we can help you too.

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